Brand Research

  • Brand = promise
  • Brand = specific combination of logo, words, type font, design, colors, personality, price, service, etc. & Attributes.
  • Buying a certain brand says something about the person who buys it.
  • If you’re going to develop your brand, the last thing you want to do is follow the beaten path. You want to head down your own road. Your brand has to plant itself in the hearts and minds (especially hearts) of prospects and customers.
  • Does your brand make you feel great about your own company?

  • Most brands remain fixated on yesterday’s problem – consistent reproduction across media. But today a brand must be alive to change, just like the people it wants to connect with and the business it is part of.

  • Most important aspects of creating a brand are as follows:
  1. Single-minded confidence in the brands mission.
  2. Deep understanding of human behavior.
  3. The ability of the brand to make a difference in someone’s life.
  • If we don’t create a compelling visual language, then people won’t be able to connect with whatever you are trying to sell them.
The power of branding: a practical guide
What we mean by ‘brand’ and ‘branding’
  • A brand simply is a set of associations that a person or a group of people makes with a company, product, service, individual or organisation.
  • A brand results from a set of associations and perceptions in people’s minds. Branding is an attempt to harness, generate, influence and control these associations to help a business perform better.
The power of branding: a practical guide
Why you need a brand
  • Branding helps you stand out from competitors, adds value to offers and engages you with your customers.
  • Branding is a way of clearly highlighting what makes your offer different to, and more desirable than, anyone else’s.
  • Effective branding gives a product/organisation something with a unique character and promise.
  • A brand can be extended through a whole range of offers… Tesco were an economy supermarket, who now sell a range of products and services, from furniture to insurance. But the application of the brand attributes, remain consistent, e.g: ease of access and low price. This has allowed the business to move into new market sectors without changing their core brand identity. This adds value to the business, but their association with the existing brand adds value to services to. (If they like the brand in one product area they might try and like the company’s offers in other areas.)

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